zondag 19 december 2010


De foto's zijn van Birte Ragland, Australië.
De muziek is van Xavier Rudd, Australië - Tribal Didgeridoo with Synthetic Beats.

Birte Ragland schrijft op haar website:
"I am a dane living in Australia, passionate about our environment. Through my photography I hope to make people aware of the desperate need to protect the natural world. My work has been published in many digital photography magazines around the world, newspapers and magazines, and numerous text books for the North American, Asian and African markets. I have also done many posters for environmental causes. The latter I do free of charge. But I do expect to be housed on location, the rest I pay for. I live in a rainforest setting and breed endangered frogs which are later released into their natural habitat where they are low in numbers. It amuses me in this world we live in that the man who likes to wander in the wilderness is called a vagrant. But the man who cuts down trees is called an entrepeneur. In 2009 another 17,241 species have been added to the highly endangered list. Too bad the human species is not on the list but we may be sooner than we think."

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