maandag 22 maart 2010


Μεσ' τους δρόμους τριγυρνάνε
οι μανάδες και κοιτάνε
ν' αντικρίσουνε,
τα παιδιά τους π' ορκιστήκαν
στο σταθμό όταν χωριστήκαν
να νικήσουνε.

Μα για 'κείνους που 'χουν φύγει
και η δόξα τους τυλίγει,
ας χαιρόμαστε,
και ποτέ καμιά ας μη κλάψει,
κάθε πόνο της ας κάψει,
κι ας ευχόμαστε:

Παιδιά, της Ελλάδος παιδιά,
που σκληρά πολεμάτε πάνω στα βουνά,
παιδιά στη γλυκιά Παναγιά
προσευχόμαστε όλες να 'ρθετε ξανά.

Λέω σ' όσες αγαπούνε
και για κάποιον ξενυχτούνε
και στενάζουνε,
πως η πίκρα κι η τρεμούλα
σε μια τίμια Ελληνοπούλα,
δεν ταιριάζουνε.

Ελληνίδες του Ζαλόγγου
και της πόλης και του λόγγου
και Πλακιώτισσες,
όσο κι αν πικρά πονούμε
υπερήφανα ασκούμε
σαν Σουλιώτισσες.

Παιδιά, της Ελλάδος παιδιά,
που σκληρά πολεμάτε πάνω στα βουνά,
παιδιά στη γλυκιά Παναγιά
προσευχόμαστε όλες να 'ρθετε ξανά.

Με της νίκης τα κλαδιά,
σας προσμένουμε παιδιά

a famous Greek song which means “Children of Greece”. It is one of the most significant and monumental songs of the 40s and the Second World War for Greece, a song referring to the children of Greece, the soldiers who were fighting on the mountains against the invaders, trying to defend their country.
The song Paidia tis Ellados Paidia is written on an already existing melody; the original song was Zehra, a love song sung by Sofia Vempo. The melody was known and loved and Mimis Traiforos along with Vempo decided to change the lyrics and adjust them to the Greek reality of the time, creating a song for the Greek Soldiers, a song that would encourage the soldiers but would also inspirit their mothers and women who were waiting for their sons and husbands or even fathers to come back from the war. It is probably one of the most touching, but also strong songs written at that harsh for Greece time.
The last two verses were not the originally written ones; Traiforos wrote ” If you don’t win, do not come back”, but at the last moment Vempo changed the lyrics considering them very pessimistic and dark. This song could easily be considered the hymn of the resistance and fight against any kind of enemy that threatens the independence and territorial integrity of the country.

In the streets are wandering
The mothers and are searching
To see their children who promised
At the station, when leaving
To win
But for those who are gone
And are wrapped in glory
We should be happy
None of us should ever cry
She should burn her sorrow
And we should all wish:
Children, children of Greece
Who are fighting a tough fight on the mountains
Children, to the sweet Virgin Mary
We all pray that you come back again
I am telling to those who love
And stay awake for someone
That bitterness and shaking
Are not proper
For a fair Greek woman
Greek Women of Zaloggo
From the cities and rural areas
Women from Plaka
However bitter is our pain,
we proudly stand
like womem of Souli
Children, children of Greece
Who are fighting a tough fight on the mountains
Children, to the sweet Virgin Mary
We all pray that you come back again
With the branches of victory
We are expecting you children

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